Speak a thousand words with a dove release for your event or special occasion.
A Symbol of Love & Peace
Releasing doves speaks a thousand words and will keep you and your guests talking about it for years to come. Doves choose one partner for life and make this commitment until death. The white dove has been used throughout history as a symbol of Love, Peace, Purity, Faithfulness and Prosperity.
We are always pleased to see potential customers at our home (by appointment) where, with no obligation to hire us, we will show you our range of cages, baskets and equipment and demonstrate releasing and flying doves. You can also handle the doves to give you confidence that you will enjoy the experience on the “big day”. If a dove release is not for you, never mind, we will have enjoyed showing off our doves anyway!
It is said that if doves are seen on your wedding day, a happy home is assured. Releasing doves represents the love and commitment you have given to one another this day. Whenever afterwards you see a white dove, you will be reminded of that special day.

Beautifully Tailored Service
Alternatively, for funeral or memorial events such as Woodland Burials, the releasing of a white dove helps to begin the grieving process by opening the doors to “letting go”.
At no additional charge, we are able to read out from a selection of original poems from a collection titled Celebrations of Marriage and Life. For those who wish to avail themselves of this service, a poem of their choosing can be read out prior to the doves release. When planning your event just let us know that you’re interested and a poem can be chosen in advance from the collection. An example of a wedding poem (Two Become One) is shown on the right hand panel of this page.
Handling doves is not something most people are familiar nor comfortable with. However we offer free familiarisation training where you can practice handling and releasing doves until you are completely confident. Our training will ensure you thoroughly enjoy releasing the doves at your event and will wear a big smile for that all important photo!
We offer a Wedding Dove release or Funeral Doves release service in Preston, Lancashire and throughout North West England.
Speak a thousand words at your special occasion by releasing doves.
Other Events
Doves of Life can lend that special feeling to a wide variety of happenings and events. If you are unsure, then just contact us and we will be only too happy to discuss your event. We have unique poems to suit every occasion. Doves of Life has participated in a wide selection of other events, apart from Weddings and Funerals. Below is a selection of other events where our doves have played either a bit-part or starring role:
- Woodland Burials
- Humanist Ceremonies
- Renewing Vows
- Civil Partnerships
- Naming Ceremonies (any faith)
- Christenings
- Birthdays
- Anniversary Celebrations (of all sorts)
- Charity Events
- Sporting Events
- Commemorative Events
- Launch / Opening Events
- Remembrance Services
- Video/Film Projects (requiring doves)
- Easter
- Valentines Day
- Mother’s Day
- Special Days

Easy Payment Options
You can reserve a date for your event by paying either the full sum or a part-payment of £50.00. Due to the inevitable short-notice period, Funeral minimum payment is £75.00. We offer the usual choice of payment options: either by electronic transfer/BACS and by cheque or cash. For those that wish to pay online, you may do so securely via PayPal to give you full consumer protection.
Whichever payment method you choose you can rest assured that your chosen date will be secure – as long as it is available at the point of booking. All confirmed bookings are immediately entered into our diary giving you peace of mind.
Our commitment to service means that your satisfaction is our major focus. We are proud of the service we offer and have many endorsements from our clients.
Book today to make your occasion extra special.
We are based in Preston and can provide a Dove Release service in Lancashire, Cumbria, Manchester, Liverpool, Bolton, Blackburn and places throughout North West England and beyond. If you’re at all unsure if we will provide our Dove Release services where you live, just give us a call on 07920 752183.
To make a booking with us, please fill out our contact form below or simply call us, whichever you prefer. If you can complete as many details as you are able to, we will get back to you and let you know our availability for your occasion.
If you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to give us a call to discuss your needs, we want to make our part in your day exactly as you want it to be. A part-payment in advance is required to secure all bookings. *See our terms and conditions.